Onsite wastewater treatment system design.
Timely, cost-effective environmental services, engineering
inspections, and other elements of due diligence or regulatory response.
Some Services provided by MBCE, click to read more
Environmental Site Assessments:
Performing Phase I & II, and Transaction Screenings for commercial real estate.
Underground Storage Tank Studies:
Evaluation of threats and source of contaminant, careful sample collection and laboratory testing, in-house engineering registrations to support design/execution of remediation programs.
Percolation Testing and Septic System Design:
Over fifteen years of percolation testing and septic system design experience. Knowledgeable of cases involving difficult percolation areas. Serving the San Diego and Riverside County areas. (Other areas please inquire)
Storm Water Infiltration Testing:
In San Diego County a new permit requirement requires infiltration rates to assess storm water percolation systems.
MBCE has years of experience in assessing and mitigating soil vapor into occupied spaces.
Seismic Risk Evaluation for Structures:
Also referred to as Probable Maximum Loss (PML) assessment for lenders to predict relative likelihood of seismic damage.
MBCE has engineering experience and state registrations for both Civil and Mechanical Engineering with specialty in environmental engineering as applied to wastewater treatment. Mr. Boogay has also performed expert witness testimonies for a variety of courtroom presentations.