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Percolation Testing for an ADU

ADUs (Additional Dwelling Units) are a popular solution to regional housing shortages. Adding a secondary housing unit on a residential lot, sometimes called “granny flats,” are now encouraged at state and local levels of government, with new legislation favoring easier and faster building permits. Many lots with room for an ADU are limited by their onsite septic systems. Adequate additional percolation area is often the limiting factor for whether an ADU is possible.

MBCE has experience with several types of system, and one is likely to fit your project needs. In circumstances of an existing conventional percolation system with 100% reserve, the additional requirement for percolation from an ADU may be met by extending the existing system into its reserve area and declaration of a smaller area for percolation using the new technology of a “supplementary treatment system” (STS).

Below is a picture of an onsite wastewater system from the San Diego County website, click for more details.

Onsite wastewater treatment system

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